What to do this summer when you aren’t on the go?
Make (and do) the ABCs with an alphabet themed bucket list. Many of these activities would be great inside or out, so they’re equally perfect for rainy summer days, or for a little down time in the backyard.
A: Make paper airplanes.
B: Look through binoculars or build a hot air balloon.
C: Create a catapult.
D: Disguise yourself. Make up your own or print these for inspiration.
E: Eat something yummy or learn embroidery.
F: Build a fort.
G: Plant a garden. Or make a sensory garden!
H: Host a hootenanny! For musical inspiration, start here, also try this, and this.
I…And of course, you’ll need some fabulous instruments.
J: Juggle, or tell some jokes, or make something with a jar.
K: Play Kick the Can.
L: Launch a rocket or make lemonade.
M: Make a marble maze or something to hold your money.
N: Make something with noodles.
O: Fold origami.
P: Make a paper plate paddle ball game or a potion.
Q: Play twenty questions
R: Make a racetrack.
S: Make a sculpture with marshmallows or sugar cubes, or a strainer, or straws.
T: Make a Town out of boxes. This one is alphabet themed! (Yes, I’m obsessed!)
U: Spend some time under the stars to observe the universe. And make these!
V: This trusty ol’ volcano project never gets old!
W: Play in the water! Wash something in the sprinkler, or create the world’s best bike wash!
X …Marks the spot! Hide a treasure and make a map for someone to find it. Arr, matey!
Y: Make a Yo-yo
Z: Make a mini zipline
What would you add to the list?