It’s the first Monday of the month, so it’s time for a little Vocabulary Building! Click here to see past Vocabulary Building posts.
Our word part of the month is “memor” (remember).
To build background knowledge about the word meaning…
- Remember special people or events through literature: Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by Doreen Rappaport or I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, by Lauren Tarshis. (Any of the I Survived books would be great!)
- Read a book about Memorial Day like this one: Kids Reading: Memorial Day for Kids – Discover the History and Traditions of Memorial Day (History for Kids), by Natalie De Marco.
- Write a thank you note to a mom, a teacher, a veteran or anyone else you would like to honor for their hard work.
- Watch a video on the history of Memorial Day.
- Check out some of our most famous national memorials and monuments.
- Brainstorm words that contain the memor word part. Talk about their meaning. The goal is to focus on age-appropriate words. Pick words that will help kids stretch their ability to use interesting language in writing and speaking, and to understand what they read.
- Think about who might frequently use words with these word parts. (historians, archivists, teachers, older family members)
Now it’s time to build! We brainstormed memor words, (memory, remember, remembrance, memento, memorabilia, memorize, memorial). We built a memorial, sort of like the Washington Monument.
Want to play along? Build something to represent your favorite memor vocabulary word! If you do, I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to leave a comment here or post it on my Facebook wall.
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