Bunnies and bugs, flowers and fine motor skills!
My older boys have limited interest in crafts, but my two year old is all about coloring, sticking and “gwewing” these days. I’m thrilled, because he’s working those fine motor skills more and more with every project.
Besides our spring banners, here are two more very simple spring crafts we’ve managed to pull off lately…
Bead Caterpillars: My youngest boys liked this one a lot. (2 and 5) The seven year old thought it was very lame.
Paint one inch wooden craft beads and let them dry, string on a pile cleaner, bend the antennae and play! Our caterpillars immediately transformed from cute little bugs to giant Lego minifigure eating monsters. (Sorry, no photos of that.)
Here’s another variation…
Turn a caterpillar into a roll-a-word game for some springtime word-building fun!
We also did a variation of this super fun masking tape sticker activity from Creature Comforts. (This might be my new official favorite craft, btw. It’s so easy, and Washi Tapeis big fun.) We used the tape technique to make bunnies for our new favorite bunny book. For the words of the story, I just asked my son to tell me what each bunny was doing and I wrote his responses. Again, my two year old loved the project and could have taped all day. Although it looks like the two year old also cut out the bunnies, that was actually me. I was rushing because he was excited to move on to the sticking phase.
I haven’t tried it with my oldest boys yet, but I think they would get into it as long as I let them choose the subject matter, (maybe not bunnies), and do their own drawings. It’s fun to see how the drawings turn out in sticker form.
Note: We tried “artist” tape because I liked the yellow color and I thought it would stick the same as painter’s tape. I was wrong! It peels off very easily, so I’ll need to laminate these with contact paper to make sure the bunnies don’t disappear.
We tried some more bunnies with painters tape, which worked well. Although other colors of painters tape and masking tape
are available, we only have blue. Not particularly springy but you get the idea. I think they make cute window decals.
So, what are your favorite spring projects?